Share in the lives of three women – fiercely independent Charlie Kate Birch, her daughter Sophia reeling from a bad marriage and her cynical granddaughter Margaret. Despite the curves life throws at them their faith in each other rewards them all.
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Share in the lives of three women – fiercely independent Charlie Kate Birch, her daughter Sophia reeling from a bad marriage and her cynical granddaughter Margaret. Despite the curves life throws at them their faith in each other rewards them all.
Jackie, is a middle-aged ex-showgirl who does whatever she has to do to support her young son. When an assignment goes wrong and the client breaks her nose, Jackie decides to get revenge leading to a chain of life-changing events for everyone.
Lured by the promise of fame and fortune, Mia thinks her modelling dreams have come true when asked to pose for a “members only” website, but when the photos are used for exploitation purposes it’s up to her mum to restore her daughter’s dignity.